Liberal Party State Conference

Don’t Complain, Get Involved!!

So many people complain about the laws, about the government, about the MP’s, about the Prime Minister or the party that’s in (or not in)…

– Here is a thought –
If you aren’t happy with it, get involved and be part of the decision making!!

Put your money where your mouth is… join the political arena and make a difference by supporting those who are doing great things, and be involved in new policy.


I’ve had the pleasure of spending a weekend learning more about what goes on in the political arena, AND little old me, got to vote on a variety of different motions at WA Liberal State Conference.

I’m not highly educated. I’m not a lawyer. I’m not a crazy politically led person.

I’m a wife & mum, an entrepreneur, a micro business owner, community person – and I wear many more hats and juggle many more balls as well… and I saw a chance to make a real difference in Australia and I jumped in!

Be the change you want to see!! Don’t wait for someone else to do it.

I have personally made the decision to partner with the Liberal Party of WA – here are their beliefs.  They are a conservative party, who believes in wealth creation, not wealth re-distribution.  No party is perfect, and all people have their flaws, but at the end of the day we need to stand united in our conservative views, supporting our local, state and federal representatives.

As a member we can also get involved with volunteering within branches and fundraising, polling and door-knocking – to the level you want to help with. Then, you have the opportunity to be involved in the creation and debate of policy motions at a division and state level if you so wish. It is not just for the super smart, well articulated, highly educated people. It is for you and me, the people on the ground who they represent. When we get involved we can also help keep their focus on the REAL issues we face.

If you are passionate about something, perhaps that is your sphere of influence?

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